Wednesday, July 28. 2010
Free the Nun!
Wednesday, January 17. 2007
Welcome to Pilates Heaven
You're in! Welcome and please relax. Really.
Inside the Nun site, all is well, everyone gets along and to co-opt the current Stott ad campaign (which I love), we focus on what matters. And what matters, of course, is the work; the work of teaching, the work of learning, the work of business, the work of working together.
Up above and over to the left, see it?, there's a directory of entries for you to choose from. My most recent posts are always at the top of any given directory.
Studio Life is a recurring column shedding light on the hilarity, teaching challenge, charm and overdose of love that happens day in and day out at our little studio here in Seattle.
In the Beginning is my attempt at recapping the origins of Pilates, and the other categories that follow are also relatively self-explanatory.
The Archival Articles Project that's been dogging me for the past 18 months is detailed here too, so should you find yourself newly obsessed with being part of bringing so many of Joe & Clara's words to light, you'll know what you're getting yourself into.
And many of you have written to say how much you enjoy visiting the Pilates Nun. Thank you from the bottom of my Powerhouse! Please keep your thoughts coming. I want to help you by giving you what you need if I have it or by getting it for you if I don't. But I can only do a bang up job of that if you let me know what you want, what you need, what you dream. Write and tell all.
I'm waiting and I want to hear all about it. I really do.