As I write, it’s the evening of September 6, 2008, I’m at 39,000 feet above the American Mid-west and I have, quite sadly, come to the realization that I’ve mismanaged my schedule to the point where the only time I have to write is when I’m aloft. And although I fly a lot, and by a lot, I mean a lot, this must change. This will change. I love to write and I especially love to write about all things Pilates. I will make more time to write. Please make a note of it.
Here comes an epic drama that unites a powerfully precious Pilates phenom who lives in Geneva, Switzerland and me, the Pilates Nun, of Seattle, Washington. We were joined by this very website and our Pilates affair has taken us all the way around the sun, plus some, all in pursuit of Joe’s most elusive exercise of all, Teaser.
I cannot believe Miss B and I began fixing her Teaser way back in August 2007 yet, it’s true.
Hopefully by the time you’ve finished digesting this very long post, you’ll be able to figure out and fix Teaser problems. Because problem solving is complex, I branch out and cover fundamental spokes off the Teaser hub; I’m overly comprehensive, I purposely try to say things several different ways so the listening styles of all my readers can be included and, as many of you have told me, it helps to have several examples to learn from. I think this will top out at somewhere around 6200 words. Oh my.
Let’s begin at the beginning; it seems boring but apparently it’s customarily the norm.
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