This gifted and beautiful woman is on a mission to learn as much as she can from those she believes are in the best position to teach and it turns out that she, glory be, would be visiting the US soon and we began making a plan.
On her month long trip to the US in conjunction with her husband's medical convention in San Francisco, they brought all four of their children and had the trip of a lifetime visiting several US cities including taking the kids, for their first time ever, to New York.
She asked for my input as to what Pilates training she should take while in the US and I recommended both a Fletcher Spine Corrector and Towelwork course, she attended the Body Mind Spirit conference and she spent a week in my Seattle studio, taking daily 90 minute privates, mat classes and observing Heidi and I teach through our usual schedules.
She's given me permission to write about her and to use the pictures of her I've put on Flickr (link is below) but she asked that I not use her name because she doesn't want Google searches to link to the photos. She did give me permission to mention and link to her website, so here you go:
Prior to her first private, and just like we have for every client through our door, I put her through my Pilates 101 lecture which covers the anatomy of the work, the benefits, concepts and commitment it takes for Pilates to change your life. Then, she had some specific objectives for our sessions and we set about achieving them.
Her back has an slight S curve in it and her ribs are slightly rotated.
And, it turns out, she was the last to know.
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